Creativity is a basic human characteristic.
Artistic theory can be learned.
Techniques can be mastered.
Creativity can be cultivated.  

I believe that creativity and art-making belong to everyone! 
However, we often lose touch with our own creative nature.

I want to share what I've learned to help people find and express their own artistic voice. 
I'm here to aid in navigating that journey and am passionate about helping creatives explore and express their imagination and enhance their experience

I am an ARTIST 

This is an identity I claimed as a child and never let go. 
I am fascinated by culture and the human experience, especially that of pre-industrial and non-western societies. My artwork explores culture and I create sculptural artifacts from imagined civilizations.

I have been teaching in higher education for 18+ years, 12 of those at the Art Institute of Colorado in Denver. 
I teach a wide variety of Studio Art and Art History classes.

I received my BFA from University of Nebraska at Omaha and my Masters from the University of Montana at Missoula. 

I am a Certified Magnetic Coach® as well as a Certified Member of the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners. I hold the following certifications…

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner 
  • Life & Success Coach 
  • Time Techniques Practitioner 
  • Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner
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all content copyright Kristi Backman © 2008-2025