Find Out What's ACTUALLY Holding You Back from Making Art!

In order to recommit to your creativity, its ESSENTIAL to first identify 
your roadblock and then strategically address the issue.

This Questionnaire will give us insight as to your specific barriers in 16 questions!
1. You're just getting started in your studio and a family member/partner needs something. It's not a crisis but of course they want your help right now. So you…*
2. I want to work on my latest project but I'm out of blue paint! Now I have to wait until payday. *
3. I don't have a dedicated studio space so my art and supplies often have tragic interactions with kids and/or pets. *
4. I get an additional day off work, yippee! And I am TOTALLY going to spend it making art. *
5. I have a free weekend and want to spend it making art but I just don't know where to start or what to do. *
6. There is just to much to DO! I have to help my family members/partner with this or that and take care of household chores. Who has time for art? *
7. I am constantly running out of supplies. Then it's this huge holdup until I can purchase them to get started again. *
8. I have an area where I can set up my art supplies and leave them out. *
9. Scheduling studio time on my calendar is not a problem!*
10. When I do schedule studio time on my calendar I always follow through and make art. *
11. When I work on art my partner/family/friends are super supportive and encouraging. *
12. I often go shopping for art supplies. Its my weakness and it helps me get ideas for future projects. *
13. I can never find the supplies I need, they are tucked in weird spaces and then I lose time searching for them!*
14. Lately I have more time than usual and I want to start making art again!*
15. It's been a long day and I while I wanted to work on my project I think I'll just crash on the couch and watch TV instead. *
16. What do YOU think is stopping you from making art?*

all content copyright Kristi Backman © 2008-2025