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In this episode, I explain what a Creativity Coach is and what they do. From a general perspective to my individual style of coaching. Learn how it can benefit you and help you build a more creative life!
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Episode Transcription:
[00:00:00] Welcome. I'm Kristi Backman and this is my podcast Cultivating Creativity. It's about helping you build your creative life. Giving creatives a way to make space for artistic growth, through the insights of an artist, art instructor, and a creativity coach about the creative process and living that crazy creative life!
[00:00:29] In this episode, I will explain what a creativity coach is and what they do. From a general perspective to my individual style of coaching. Learn how it can benefit you and help you build a more creative life.
[00:00:46] So what is a creativity coach? A creativity coach is a life coach that helps you build a creative life through artistic activities and imaginative thinking. So, who do they work with? Creativity coaches can work with artists, writers, musicians, actors, inventors, entrepreneurs, or any other type of creative human. And honestly, since we all have the potential for creativity, that means anybody. It's simply the focus is on either a creative pursuit or creative thinking and, or a creative approach to problem solving.
[00:01:23] The focus of the coach depends on their individual background and interest or specialty. You also want to look into their methods and techniques. How will they work with you? What does their program or system look like? How will they be enhancing your creativity? Now, I'll talk about my approach in a moment, but first I want to talk a little bit about what you need to do to find a creativity coach.
[00:01:48] First, identify if what they're offering is actually what you need. Now, I know this sounds basic, but it requires true clarity on what you want to achieve. So, you really need to understand your goals to be able to do this effectively. Second, learn more about how the individual coach works and see if their approach is in alignment with your intentions and interests.
[00:02:12] So, how do you achieve these first two steps? I recommend that when you find a potential coach, you dive into the information they offer on their website, blog podcast, social media. Gain an understanding of who they are, their philosophy, what they do, and how they do it. And then the third step is to talk with them and see how you interact. Is this someone you want to work with? While this is a professional relationship. There is a closeness inherent in this type of individual experience, and you want to make sure that you feel comfortable in that environment.
[00:02:46] So that gives you some idea on how to find a creativity coach. And the next thing I'd like to talk a little bit about is the idea of creativity in general. When it comes to creativity, personally I have some pretty strong beliefs.
[00:03:02] I believe that art belongs to everyone. I believe that creativity is a fundamental human characteristic. That artistic theory can be learned. That techniques can be mastered, and that creativity can be cultivated. We all have the potential. However, many of us have lost touch with that part of ourselves due to the chaos of life. We get busy. We are juggling so many different things with our professional life, our personal life, our family life that we lose track of taking the time for some of those personal activities.
[00:03:35] Not to mention that the messaging we tend to get is that it takes rare skill or talent, and that art isn't for everyone. Well, I disagree. The concept of creativity is actually a lot bigger than you may think. And honestly, it's more than I'm going to tackle today, but I will continue to dive deeper in upcoming podcasts. What I want to mention now is the joy fulfillment and just plain fun that adding creativity to your life can bring. It gives you something to look forward to. It gives you something fun to do. It gives you self-confidence and purpose, just to name a few. This doesn't even take into account the various physical and mental health benefits you gain by adding creativity to your life.
[00:05:18] Now, I’d like to talk a little bit about my approach. First, my general background. I have a bachelor's and a master's in Fine Arts. I have 18 plus years teaching at the college level, both studio art and art history courses. So, the visual arts are my specialty and focus.
[00:04:38] Now, what is your background need to be? Come as you are! There is no experience required. We began wherever you are. It's all about a personalized experience that works towards identifying and achieving your individual creative goals. I've worked with professional artists and people who haven't created in years. All you need is an interest and a passion to create.
[00:05:03] I start all my clients with my program Make Art: Add Creativity to Your Life. This program addresses all the basic issues I run into with my clients. One thing I've learned about creatives over the years is there's as many differences as similarities. So, while I have a basic structure that we follow, that'll give you the tools you need to build your creative practice. We also will be doing a lot of personalization with each step of the journey. To both you and your life, and that will make this an individually empowered experience. So it's really about how you will apply these ideas to your life. And I'm there to help you figure out how to do that.
[00:05:49] In this program…
- You will discover your motivation, create a strategy and objective for creating.
- You'll identify your personal definition of creative success.
- You'll determine and overcome what's holding you back.
- You'll figure out how to allocate time, money, and space for creativity.
- You'll construct healthy boundaries to protect your creative practice.
- You'll build personalized routines and habits that enhance your creative practice.
- You'll better understand creativity and how to engage it in your life.
- You'll develop a creative voice, a style and a direction for your work.
- You'll create powerful goals and productivity strategies that will keep you motivated and inspired.
- You'll objectively be able to evaluate your work and make revisions, that'll allow you to better align your work with your intention.
- You'll reap the amazing benefits of creativity for your mental and physical health and wellbeing.
- And you'll elevate your overall happiness and satisfaction with life.
- Sound pretty good?
[00:06:55] My goal is to help you build a creativity practice that you can maintain yourself. That is the purpose of this program. We cover all these different bases to allow you to set up this practice and space for this practice in your life and create strategies to continue it. However, I am always happy to work with individuals beyond this program, if they want or need more support.
[00:07:22] So, you might be asking yourself, why do I need a coach? And the answer is you may not. It's completely up to you. Oftentimes when juggling all the other things in our life, it can be tough to DIY such a big change. Plus, it's natural not to know where to start. That's why a coach is so helpful. I can help you discover your interests and help you find an approach that feels authentic to you and your experience. And that is the goal and intention of the creativity coach.
[00:07:55] I hope you found this helpful. Use this information to decide if a creativity coach is right for you. At the end of the day all I want is for you to add creativity to your life in a sustainable way.
[00:08:08] To assist you with that today, I'm offering a bit of free coaching. I want you to email me a question or a concern, or an issue that is holding you back from your ideal creative practice. What's giving you problems.? I want you to send me an email and in the message title, I want you to refer to this podcast. Then ask me your question in the email. Once I receive it. I'll respond with a short video message addressing the concern or issue you shared with me. I love helping people solve their problems. So, I encourage you to reach out!
[00:08:48] If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to my podcast. You can also follow me on social. Until next time!